Tutorial: Snippets


Table of Contents

Limit to certain post types

add_filter( 'distributable_post_types', 'client_prefix_filter_post_types' );
 * Filter the post types we can distribute.
 * @see https://10up.github.io/distributor/distributable_post_types.html
 * @return array
function client_prefix_filter_post_types() : array {
	return array( 'post', 'page' );

Limit to certain user capabilities

add_filter( 'dt_syndicatable_capabilities', 'client_prefix_filter_user_capabilities' );
 * Filter the user capabilities that are allowed to distribute content.
 * @see https://10up.github.io/distributor/dt_syndicatable_capabilities.html
 * @return string
function client_prefix_filter_user_capabilities() : string {
	return 'manage_options';

Limit to certain sites on the network

add_filter( 'dt_authorized_sites', 'client_prefix_filter_authorized_sites', 10, 2 );
 * Filter certain sites from the authorized sites list.
 * @see https://10up.github.io/distributor/dt_authorized_sites.html
 * @param array  $authorized_sites Authorized sites.
 * @param string $context Push or pull.
 * @return array
function client_prefix_filter_authorized_sites( array $authorized_sites, string $context ) : array {
	return array_filter(
		function( $site ) {
			return '/' === $site['site']->path;
 * Stop Distributor from changing the canonical links.
 * This removes Distributor's canonical functionality from both Internal and
 * External Connections.
 * This accounts for sites using either WordPress or Yoast SEO to generate the
 * canonical URL.
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', function() {
	remove_filter( 'get_canonical_url', '\\Distributor\\Hooks\\get_canonical_url', 10, 2 );
	remove_filter( 'wpseo_canonical', '\\Distributor\\Hooks\\wpseo_canonical', 10, 2 );
} );

Push original publication date

 * Keep the publication date on the new pushed post.
 * This filter is used to filter the arguments sent to the remote server during a push. The below code snippet passes the original published date to the new pushed post and sets the same published date instead of setting it as per the current time.
add_filter( 'dt_push_post_args', function( $post_body, $post, $args, $connection ) {

    // When pushing to an external connection, we use the REST API, so the name of the field is `date`.
    // But when pushing to an internal connection, the attributes are sent to wp_insert_post, which expects `post_date`.
    $field_prefix =( $connection instanceof \Distributor\ExternalConnections\WordPressExternalConnection ) ? '' : 'post_';

    $post_body[ $field_prefix . 'date'] = $post->post_date;
    $post_body[ $field_prefix . 'date_gmt'] = $post->post_date_gmt;

    return $post_body;
}, 10, 4 );

 * This filters the the arguments passed into wp_insert_post during a pull
add_filter( 'dt_pull_post_args', function( $post_array, $remote_id, $post ) {
    $post_array['post_date'] = $post->post_date;
    $post_array['post_date_gmt'] = $post->post_date_gmt;

    return $post_array;
}, 10, 3 );
 * Auto unlink distributor posts automatically.
 * Runs on the `dt_after_set_meta` hook.
 * @param mixed $meta          All received meta for the post
 * @param mixed $existing_meta Existing meta for the post
 * @param mixed $post_id       Post ID
 * @return void
function client_prefix_auto_unlink_distributed_posts( $meta, $existing_meta, $post_id ) {
	$post = get_post( $post_id );

	if ( ! $post ) {

	$is_distributed = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'dt_original_post_id', true ) ? true : false;

	if ( ! $is_distributed ) {

	update_post_meta( $post->ID, 'dt_unlinked', true );
add_action( 'dt_after_set_meta', 'client_prefix_auto_unlink_distributed_posts', 10, 3 );

Modify custom meta data

 * Set default post meta if not set in the original.
 * @param {array} $meta          All received meta for the post
 * @param {array} $existing_meta Existing meta for the post
 * @param {int}   $post_id       Post ID
function client_prefix_modify_meta( $meta, $existing_meta, $post_id ) {
	// Set post meta if not set.
	if ( ! isset( $existing_meta['my_meta_key'] ) ) {
		add_post_meta( $post_id, 'my_meta_key', 'my meta value' );
add_action( 'dt_after_set_meta', 'client_prefix_modify_meta', 10, 3 );

Exclude meta key from distribution

 * Denylist a meta key from distribution.
add_filter( 'dt_excluded_meta', function( $meta_keys ) {
	$meta_keys[] = 'my_meta_key';
	return $meta_keys;
} );

Turn off automatic updates for distributed content

 * Prevent auto-updates from happening for network connections.
  function() {
    remove_action( 'wp_after_insert_post', [ '\Distributor\InternalConnections\NetworkSiteConnection', 'update_syndicated' ], 99 );

 * Prevent auto-updates from happening for external connections.
  function() {
    remove_action( 'wp_after_insert_post', 'Distributor\Subscriptions\send_notifications', 99 );