* Bootstrap the main plugin.
* This file is included by the main plugin file and is responsible for
* bootstrapping the plugin. This allows the main file to be used for version
* support and therefore support earlier versions of PHP and WP than the
* minimum requirements.
* @package distributor
namespace Distributor;
use YahnisElsts\PluginUpdateChecker\v5\PucFactory;
* PSR-4 autoloading
function( $class ) {
// Project-specific namespace prefix.
$prefix = 'Distributor\\';
// Base directory for the namespace prefix.
$base_dir = __DIR__ . '/classes/';
// Does the class use the namespace prefix?
$len = strlen( $prefix );
if ( strncmp( $prefix, $class, $len ) !== 0 ) {
$relative_class = substr( $class, $len );
$file = $base_dir . str_replace( '\\', '/', $relative_class ) . '.php';
// If the file exists, require it.
if ( file_exists( $file ) ) {
require $file;
* Tell the world this site supports Distributor. We need this for external connections.
function() {
if ( ! headers_sent() ) {
header( 'X-Distributor: yes' );
* Set Distributor header in all API responses.
function( $response ) {
$response->header( 'X-Distributor', 'yes' );
$response->header( 'X-Distributor-Version', DT_VERSION );
return $response;
// Include in case we have composer issues.
require_once DT_PLUGIN_PATH . 'vendor/yahnis-elsts/plugin-update-checker/plugin-update-checker.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/utils.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/global-functions.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/hooks.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/external-connection-cpt.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/push-ui.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/pull-ui.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/rest-api.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/subscriptions.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/syndicated-post-ui.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/distributed-post-ui.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/settings.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/template-tags.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/debug-info.php';
// Include application passwords.
function() {
if ( ! wp_is_application_passwords_available() ) {
function() {
if ( get_current_screen()->id !== 'toplevel_page_distributor' ) {
<div class="notice notice-warning">
echo wp_kses_post(
/* translators: %s is the URL to the guide to enable Application Passwords for non HTTPS sites. */
__( 'Your site is not using HTTPS or is a local environment. Follow this <a href="%s">guide</a> to enable Application Passwords.', 'distributor' ),
// Override some styles for application passwords until we can get these changes upstream.
function() {
$asset_file = DT_PLUGIN_PATH . '/dist/js/admin-css.min.asset.php';
// Fallback asset data.
$asset_data = array(
'version' => DT_VERSION,
'dependencies' => array(),
if ( file_exists( $asset_file ) ) {
$asset_data = require $asset_file;
// Dependencies only apply to JavaScript, not CSS files.
wp_enqueue_style( 'dt-admin-settings', plugins_url( '/dist/css/admin.min.css', __DIR__ ), array(), $asset_data['version'] );
if ( class_exists( '\\YahnisElsts\PluginUpdateChecker\v5\PucFactory' ) ) {
* Enable updates if we have a valid license
$valid_license = false;
if ( ! DT_IS_NETWORK ) {
$valid_license = \Distributor\Utils\get_settings()['valid_license'];
} else {
$valid_license = \Distributor\Utils\get_network_settings()['valid_license'];
if ( $valid_license ) {
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
$updateChecker = PucFactory::buildUpdateChecker(
function( $plugin_info, $http_response = null ) {
$plugin_info->icons = array(
'svg' => plugins_url( '/assets/img/icon.svg', __DIR__ ),
return $plugin_info;
function( $transient ) use ( $updateChecker ) {
$update = $updateChecker->getUpdate();
if ( $update ) {
// Update is available.
$transient->response[ $update->filename ] = $update->toWpFormat();
} else {
// No update is available.
$update = $updateChecker->getUpdateState()->getUpdate();
// Adding the plugin info to the `no_update` property is required
// for the enable/disable auto-updates links to correctly appear in UI.
if ( $update ) {
$transient->no_update[ $update->filename ] = $update;
return $transient;
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
* Register connections
function() {
\Distributor\Connections::factory()->register( '\Distributor\ExternalConnections\WordPressExternalConnection' );
\Distributor\Connections::factory()->register( '\Distributor\ExternalConnections\WordPressDotcomExternalConnection' );
if (
* Filter whether the network connection type is enabled. Enabled by default, return false to disable.
* @since 1.0.0
* @hook dt_network_site_connection_enabled
* @param {bool} true Whether the network connection should be enabled.
* @return {bool} Whether the network connection should be enabled.
apply_filters( 'dt_network_site_connection_enabled', true )
) {
\Distributor\Connections::factory()->register( '\Distributor\InternalConnections\NetworkSiteConnection' );
load_plugin_textdomain( 'distributor', false, basename( dirname( DT_PLUGIN_FULL_FILE ) ) . '/lang' );
* We use setup functions to avoid unit testing WP_Mock strict mode errors.