Tutorial: Useful snippets

Useful snippets

Make ClassifAI taxonomies private

Some users might want to set some of the taxonomies provided by the plugin private, so that their archive pages won't be generated (and thus indexed by search engines).

In order to do that, we can use a filter provided by WordPress Core, namely register_{$taxonomy}_taxonomy_args (see here for the documentation).

For example, let's say we want to make the classifai-image-tags taxonomy private, we would need to add this snippet to either our theme functions.php or our custom plugin.

namespace MyPluginOrTheme;

add_filter( 'register_classifai-image-tags_taxonomy_args', __NAMESPACE__ . '\override_taxonomy_args' );

function override_taxonomy_args( $args ) {
	$args['public'] = false;
	return $args;

Add custom Provider to an existing Feature

Starting in ClassifAI 3.0.0, it is now possible to add your own Provider to an existing Feature. Most of the implementation details are left to you but there are a few key steps that need to be followed:

  1. Create a new Provider class: This class should extend the base ClassifAI Provider class and setup all required methods.
namespace MyPluginOrTheme;

use Classifai\Providers\Provider;

class MyProvider extends Provider {
     * The Provider ID.
     * Required and should be unique.
    const ID = 'my_provider';

     * MyProvider constructor.
     * @param \Classifai\Features\Feature $feature_instance The feature instance.
    public function __construct( $feature_instance = null ) {
        $this->feature_instance = $feature_instance;

     * Returns the default settings for this provider.
     * @return array
    public function get_default_provider_settings(): array {
        $common_settings = [
            'api_key'       => '',
            'authenticated' => false,

        return $common_settings;

     * Sanitize the settings for this provider.
     * Can also be useful to verify the Provider API connection
     * works as expected here, returning an error if needed.
     * @param array $new_settings The settings array.
     * @return array
    public function sanitize_settings( array $new_settings ): array {
        $settings = $this->feature_instance->get_settings();

        // Ensure proper validation of credentials happens here.
        $new_settings[ static::ID ]['api_key']       = sanitize_text_field( $new_settings[ static::ID ]['api_key'] ?? $settings[ static::ID ]['api_key'] );
        $new_settings[ static::ID ]['authenticated'] = true;

        return $new_settings;

     * Common entry point for all REST endpoints for this provider.
     * All Features will end up calling the rest_endpoint_callback method for their assigned Provider.
     * This method should validate the route that is being called and then call the appropriate method
     * for that route. This method typically will validate we have all the required data and if so,
     * make a request to the appropriate API endpoint.
     * @param int    $post_id The Post ID we're processing.
     * @param string $route_to_call The route we are processing.
     * @param array  $args Optional arguments to pass to the route.
     * @return string|WP_Error
    public function rest_endpoint_callback( $post_id = 0, string $route_to_call = '', array $args = [] ) {
        if ( ! $post_id || ! get_post( $post_id ) ) {
            return new WP_Error( 'post_id_required', esc_html__( 'A valid post ID is required to generate an excerpt.', 'text-domain' ) );

        $route_to_call = strtolower( $route_to_call );
        $return        = '';

        // Handle all of our routes.
        switch ( $route_to_call ) {
            case 'test':
                // Ensure this method exists.
                $return = $this->generate( $post_id, $args );

        return $return;

     * Returns the debug information for the provider settings.
     * This is used to display various settings in the Site Health screen.
     * Not required but useful for debugging.
     * @return array
    public function get_debug_information(): array {
        $settings   = $this->feature_instance->get_settings();
        $debug_info = [];

        return $debug_info;
  1. Load class: within your plugin or theme, ensure the Provider class is loaded. Ideally this is run on the after_classifai_init action.

  2. Register the Provider with a Service: Each Provider needs to be registered to one or more of the Services that ClassifAI supports. This can be done using the appropriate filter of the Service you're targeting.

 * Register a new Provider for the Image Processing Service.
    function ( $providers ) {
        // Ensure the file that contains the Provider is included or this will throw an error.
        $providers[] = MyPluginOrTheme\MyProvider::class;
        return $providers;

 * Register a new Provider for the Language Processing Service.
    function ( $providers ) {
        // Ensure the file that contains the Provider is included or this will throw an error.
        $providers[] = MyPluginOrTheme\MyProvider::class;
        return $providers;
  1. Register the Provider with a Feature: Each Provider needs to be registered to one or more of the Features that ClassifAI supports. This can be done using the appropriate filter of the Feature you're targeting.
 * Register a new Provider for the Title Generation Feature.
    function ( $providers ) {
        $providers['my_provider'] = __( 'Custom Provider', 'text-domain' );
        return $providers;
  1. Add required provider fields to the settings ClassifAI uses a React-based settings panel. To add the necessary provider fields, include the following code in a JavaScript file, and save it within your plugin's directory.

Note: The provided code snippet uses modern JavaScript (ESNext and JSX), which requires a build step to compile it into a browser-compatible format. We recommend using the @wordpress/scripts package to manage the build process. For a step-by-step guide on how to install and use this package, check out this tutorial: Get started with wp-scripts.

 * WordPress dependencies
import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins';
import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
import { Fill, TextControl } from '@wordpress/components';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';

const MyProviderSettings = () => {
	const providerName = 'my_provider';
	const featureSettings = useSelect( ( select ) =>
		select( 'classifai-settings' ).getFeatureSettings()
	const { setFeatureSettings } = useDispatch( 'classifai-settings' );
	const providerSettings = featureSettings[ providerName ] || {};
	const setProviderSettings = ( data ) =>
		setFeatureSettings( {
			[ providerName ]: {
		} );

	return (
		<Fill name="ClassifAIProviderSettings">
            <div className="settings-row">
                <div className="settings-label">{ __( 'API Key', 'classifai' ) }</div>
                <div className="settings-control">
                        value={ providerSettings.api_key || '' }
                        onChange={ ( value ) =>
                            setProviderSettings( { api_key: value } )
                    <div className="settings-description">
                    { __( 'Enter the provider API key.', 'classifai' ) }

registerPlugin( 'classifai-provider-my-provider', {
	scope: 'my-provider', // Provider settings scope. replace "_" with "-" in your provider ID.
	render: MyProviderSettings,
} );
  1. Enqueue Javascript assets To display the provider fields added in the previous step within the settings panel, we need to enqueue the corresponding JavaScript file. For guidance on enqueuing files in the admin area, refer to the "Enqueue Script" guide, but here’s a typical implementation.
 * Enqueue the admin scripts.
 * @param string $hook_suffix The current admin page.
function my_provider_enqueue_admin_assets( $hook_suffix ) {
    // Enqueue assets only on the ClassifAI settings page.
    if ( 'tools_page_classifai' !== $hook_suffix ) {

    $asset_file = include( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'build/index.asset.php');

        plugins_url( 'build/index.js', __FILE__ ),
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'my_provider_enqueue_admin_assets' );

Add a new Feature

Starting in ClassifAI 3.0.0, it is easier to add your own Features. Most of the implementation details are left to you but there are a few key steps that need to be followed:

  1. Create a new Feature class: This class should extend the base ClassifAI Feature class and setup all required methods.
namespace MyPluginOrTheme;

use Classifai\Features\Feature;
use Classifai\Providers\OpenAI\ChatGPT;
use Classifai\Services\LanguageProcessing;

class MyFeature extends Feature {
     * ID of the current feature.
     * @var string
    const ID = 'feature_custom';

     * Constructor.
    public function __construct() {
        $this->label = __( 'Feature label', 'text-domain' );

        // Contains all providers that are registered to the service.
        $this->provider_instances = $this->get_provider_instances( LanguageProcessing::get_service_providers() );

        // Contains just the providers this feature supports.
        $this->supported_providers = [
            ChatGPT::ID => __( 'OpenAI ChatGPT', 'text-domain' ),

     * Set up necessary hooks.
     * This will always fire even if the Feature is not enabled.
    public function setup() {
        add_action( 'rest_api_init', [ $this, 'register_endpoints' ] );

     * Set up necessary hooks.
     * This will only fire if the Feature is enabled.
    public function feature_setup() {
        add_action( 'enqueue_block_assets', [ $this, 'enqueue_editor_assets' ] );
        add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_admin_assets' ] );

     * Register any needed endpoints.
    public function register_endpoints() {

     * Generic request handler for all our custom routes.
     * @param \WP_REST_Request $request The full request object.
     * @return \WP_REST_Response
    public function rest_endpoint_callback( \WP_REST_Request $request ) {
        $route = $request->get_route();

        if ( strpos( $route, '/custom-feature' ) === 0 ) {
            return rest_ensure_response(
                    $request->get_param( 'id' ),

        return parent::rest_endpoint_callback( $request );

     * Enqueue the editor scripts.
    public function enqueue_editor_assets() {

     * Enqueue the admin scripts.
     * @param string $hook_suffix The current admin page.
    public function enqueue_admin_assets( string $hook_suffix ) {

     * Get the description for the enable field.
     * @return string
    public function get_enable_description(): string {
        return esc_html__( 'Enable this feature', 'text-domain' );

     * Returns the default settings for the feature.
     * @return array
    public function get_feature_default_settings(): array {
        return [
            'custom_setting' => '',
            'provider'       => ChatGPT::ID,

     * Sanitizes the default feature settings.
     * @param array $new_settings Settings being saved.
     * @return array
    public function sanitize_default_feature_settings( array $new_settings ): array {
        $new_settings['custom_setting'] = sanitize_text_field( $new_settings['custom_setting'] ?? '' );

        return $new_settings;
  1. Load class: within your plugin or theme, ensure the Feature class is loaded. Ideally this is run on the after_classifai_init action.

  2. Register the Feature with a Service: Each Feature needs to be registered to one or more of the Services that ClassifAI supports. This can be done using the appropriate filter of the Service you're targeting.

 * Register a new Feature for the Image Processing Service.
    function ( $features ) {
        // Ensure the file that contains the Feature is included or this won't work.
        $features[] = MyPluginOrTheme\MyFeature::class;
        return $features;

 * Register a new Feature for the Language Processing Service.
    function ( $features ) {
        // Ensure the file that contains the Feature is included or this won't work.
        $features[] = MyPluginOrTheme\MyFeature::class;
        return $features;
  1. Add additional featured fields to the settings ClassifAI uses a React-based settings panel. To add the necessary additional feature fields, include the following code in a JavaScript file, and save it within your plugin's directory.

Note: The provided code snippet uses modern JavaScript (ESNext and JSX), which requires a build step to compile it into a browser-compatible format. We recommend using the @wordpress/scripts package to manage the build process. For a step-by-step guide on how to install and use this package, check out this tutorial: Get started with wp-scripts.

 * WordPress dependencies
import { TextControl, Fill } from '@wordpress/components';
import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';

const MyFeatureSettings = () => {
	const featureSettings = useSelect( ( select ) =>
		select( 'classifai-settings' ).getFeatureSettings()
	const { setFeatureSettings } = useDispatch( 'classifai-settings' );
	return (
			<Fill name="ClassifAIFeatureSettings">
                <div className="settings-row">
                    <div className="settings-label">{ __( 'Custom setting', 'classifai' ) }</div>
                    <div className="settings-control">
                            value={ featureSettings.custom_setting || '' }
                            onChange={ ( value ) =>
                                setFeatureSettings( { custom_setting: value } )
                        <div className="settings-description">
                        { __( 'Choose what type of content to moderate.', 'classifai' ) }

registerPlugin( 'classifai-feature-custom', {
	scope: 'feature-custom', // Feature settings scope. replace "_" with "-" in your feature ID.
	render: MyFeatureSettings,
} );
  1. Enqueue Javascript assets To display the addition feature fields added in the previous step within the settings panel, we need to enqueue the corresponding JavaScript file. For guidance on enqueuing files in the admin area, refer to the "Enqueue Script" guide, but here’s a typical implementation.
 * Enqueue the admin scripts.
 * @param string $hook_suffix The current admin page.
function my_feature_enqueue_admin_assets( $hook_suffix ) {
    // Enqueue assets only on the ClassifAI settings page.
    if ( 'tools_page_classifai' !== $hook_suffix ) {

    $asset_file = include( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'build/index.asset.php');

        plugins_url( 'build/index.js', __FILE__ ),
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'my_feature_enqueue_admin_assets' );

Use Legacy settings

ClassifAI 3.2.0 introduces React-based settings and deprecates the PHP-based settings pages. If you have customizations in the legacy settings and would like to continue using the legacy settings panel, you can enable this by using the classifai_use_legacy_settings_panel filter hook.

However, please note that legacy settings will be completely removed in future releases. We recommend updating your customizations to use the React-based settings panel. If you encounter any issues, feel free to report them on our GitHub repository.

Add the following snippet to your theme's functions.php file or a custom plugin.

add_filter( 'classifai_use_legacy_settings_panel', '__return_true' );