* Manage syncing of content between WP and Elasticsearch for posts
* @since 1.0
* @package elasticpress
namespace ElasticPress\Indexable\Post;
use ElasticPress\Elasticsearch;
use ElasticPress\Indexables;
use ElasticPress\IndexHelper;
use ElasticPress\Utils;
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
exit; // Exit if accessed directly.
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* Sync manager class
class SyncManager extends \ElasticPress\SyncManager {
* Indexable slug
* @since 3.0
* @var string
public $indexable_slug = 'post';
* Delete all post meta from other posts associated with a deleted post. Useful for attachments.
* @var bool
public $delete_all_meta = false;
* Setup actions and filters
* @since 0.1.2
public function setup() {
if ( ! Elasticsearch::factory()->get_elasticsearch_version() ) {
if ( ! $this->can_index_site() ) {
add_action( 'wp_insert_post', array( $this, 'action_sync_on_update' ), 999 );
add_action( 'add_attachment', array( $this, 'action_sync_on_update' ), 999 );
add_action( 'edit_attachment', array( $this, 'action_sync_on_update' ), 999 );
add_action( 'wp_media_attach_action', array( $this, 'action_sync_on_media_attach' ), 999, 2 );
add_action( 'delete_post', array( $this, 'action_delete_post' ) );
add_action( 'updated_post_meta', array( $this, 'action_queue_meta_sync' ), 10, 4 );
add_action( 'added_post_meta', array( $this, 'action_queue_meta_sync' ), 10, 4 );
// Called just because we need to know somehow if $delete_all is set before action_queue_meta_sync() runs.
add_filter( 'delete_post_metadata', array( $this, 'maybe_delete_meta_for_all' ), 10, 5 );
add_action( 'deleted_post_meta', array( $this, 'action_queue_meta_sync' ), 10, 4 );
add_action( 'wp_initialize_site', array( $this, 'action_create_blog_index' ) );
add_filter( 'ep_sync_insert_permissions_bypass', array( $this, 'filter_bypass_permission_checks_for_machines' ) );
add_filter( 'ep_sync_delete_permissions_bypass', array( $this, 'filter_bypass_permission_checks_for_machines' ) );
// Conditionally update posts associated with terms
add_action( 'ep_admin_notices', [ $this, 'maybe_display_notice_edit_single_term' ] );
add_action( 'ep_admin_notices', [ $this, 'maybe_display_notice_term_list_screen' ] );
add_action( 'set_object_terms', array( $this, 'action_set_object_terms' ), 10, 6 );
add_action( 'edited_term', array( $this, 'action_edited_term' ), 10, 3 );
add_action( 'deleted_term_relationships', array( $this, 'action_deleted_term_relationships' ), 10, 3 );
// Clear index settings cache
add_action( 'ep_update_index_settings', [ $this, 'clear_index_settings_cache' ] );
add_action( 'ep_after_put_mapping', [ $this, 'clear_index_settings_cache' ] );
add_action( 'ep_saved_weighting_configuration', [ $this, 'clear_index_settings_cache' ] );
// Clear distinct meta field per post type cache
add_action( 'wp_insert_post', [ $this, 'clear_meta_keys_db_per_post_type_cache_by_post_id' ] );
add_action( 'delete_post', [ $this, 'clear_meta_keys_db_per_post_type_cache_by_post_id' ] );
add_action( 'updated_post_meta', [ $this, 'clear_meta_keys_db_per_post_type_cache_by_meta' ], 10, 2 );
add_action( 'added_post_meta', [ $this, 'clear_meta_keys_db_per_post_type_cache_by_meta' ], 10, 2 );
add_action( 'deleted_post_meta', [ $this, 'clear_meta_keys_db_per_post_type_cache_by_meta' ], 10, 2 );
add_action( 'delete_post_metadata', [ $this, 'clear_meta_keys_db_per_post_type_cache_by_meta' ], 10, 2 );
// Prevents password protected posts from being indexed
add_filter( 'ep_post_sync_kill', [ $this, 'kill_sync_for_password_protected' ], 10, 2 );
* Un-setup actions and filters (for multisite).
* @since 4.0
public function tear_down() {
remove_action( 'wp_insert_post', array( $this, 'action_sync_on_update' ), 999 );
remove_action( 'add_attachment', array( $this, 'action_sync_on_update' ), 999 );
remove_action( 'edit_attachment', array( $this, 'action_sync_on_update' ), 999 );
remove_action( 'wp_media_attach_action', array( $this, 'action_sync_on_media_attach' ), 999 );
remove_action( 'delete_post', array( $this, 'action_delete_post' ) );
remove_action( 'updated_post_meta', array( $this, 'action_queue_meta_sync' ) );
remove_action( 'added_post_meta', array( $this, 'action_queue_meta_sync' ) );
remove_filter( 'delete_post_metadata', array( $this, 'maybe_delete_meta_for_all' ) );
remove_action( 'deleted_post_meta', array( $this, 'action_queue_meta_sync' ) );
remove_action( 'wp_initialize_site', array( $this, 'action_create_blog_index' ) );
remove_filter( 'ep_sync_insert_permissions_bypass', array( $this, 'filter_bypass_permission_checks_for_machines' ) );
remove_filter( 'ep_sync_delete_permissions_bypass', array( $this, 'filter_bypass_permission_checks_for_machines' ) );
remove_filter( 'ep_post_sync_kill', [ $this, 'kill_sync_for_password_protected' ] );
// Clear index settings cache
remove_action( 'ep_update_index_settings', [ $this, 'clear_index_settings_cache' ] );
remove_action( 'ep_after_put_mapping', [ $this, 'clear_index_settings_cache' ] );
remove_action( 'ep_saved_weighting_configuration', [ $this, 'clear_index_settings_cache' ] );
* Whether to delete all meta from other posts that is associated with the deleted post.
* @param bool $check Whether to allow metadata deletion of the given type.
* @param int $object_id ID of the object metadata is for.
* @param string $meta_key Metadata key.
* @param mixed $meta_value Metadata value. Must be serializable if non-scalar.
* @param bool $delete_all Whether to delete the matching metadata entries
* for all objects, ignoring the specified $object_id
* @return bool
public function maybe_delete_meta_for_all( $check, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $delete_all ) {
$this->delete_all_meta = $delete_all;
return $check;
* Filter to allow cron and WP CLI processes to index/delete documents
* @param boolean $bypass The current filtered value
* @return boolean Boolean indicating if permission checking should be bypassed or not
* @since 3.6.0
public function filter_bypass_permission_checks_for_machines( $bypass ) {
// Allow index/delete during cron
if ( defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) && DOING_CRON ) {
return true;
// Allow index/delete during WP CLI commands
if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) && WP_CLI ) {
return true;
return $bypass;
* When whitelisted meta is updated, queue the post for reindex
* @param int|array $meta_id Meta id.
* @param int $object_id Object id.
* @param string $meta_key Meta key.
* @param string $meta_value Meta value.
* @since 2.0
public function action_queue_meta_sync( $meta_id, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ) {
if ( $this->kill_sync() ) {
$indexable = Indexables::factory()->get( $this->indexable_slug );
* Filter to whether skip a sync during autosave, defaults to true
* @hook ep_skip_autosave_sync
* @since 4.3.0
* @param {bool} $skip True means to disable sync for autosaves
* @param {string} $function Function applying filter
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_skip_autosave_sync', true, __FUNCTION__ ) ) {
if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) {
// Bypass saving if doing autosave
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$post = get_post( $object_id );
* Filter to allow skipping a sync triggered by meta changes
* @hook ep_skip_post_meta_sync
* @param {bool} $skip True means kill sync for post
* @param {WP_Post} $post The post that's attempting to be synced
* @param {int} $meta_id ID of the meta that triggered the sync
* @param {string} $meta_key The key of the meta that triggered the sync
* @param {string} $meta_value The value of the meta that triggered the sync
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_skip_post_meta_sync', false, $post, $meta_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ) ) {
if ( empty( $object_id ) && $this->delete_all_meta ) {
add_filter( 'ep_is_integrated_request', '__return_true' );
$query = new \WP_Query(
'ep_integrate' => true,
'meta_key' => $meta_key,
'meta_value' => $meta_value,
'fields' => 'ids',
'post_type' => $indexable->get_indexable_post_types(),
remove_filter( 'ep_is_integrated_request', '__return_true' );
if ( $query->have_posts() && $query->elasticsearch_success ) {
$posts_to_be_synced = array_filter(
function ( $object_id ) {
return ! apply_filters( 'ep_post_sync_kill', false, $object_id, $object_id );
if ( ! empty( $posts_to_be_synced ) ) {
$indexable->bulk_index( $posts_to_be_synced );
} else {
$indexable_post_statuses = $indexable->get_indexable_post_status();
$post_type = get_post_type( $object_id );
$is_meta_allowed = $indexable->is_meta_allowed( $meta_key, $post );
if ( ! $is_meta_allowed ) {
if ( in_array( $post->post_status, $indexable_post_statuses, true ) ) {
$indexable_post_types = $indexable->get_indexable_post_types();
if ( in_array( $post_type, $indexable_post_types, true ) ) {
* Filter to kill post sync
* @hook ep_post_sync_kill
* @param {bool} $skip True meanas kill sync for post
* @param {int} $object_id ID of post
* @param {int} $object_id ID of post
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_post_sync_kill', false, $object_id, $object_id ) ) {
$this->add_to_queue( $object_id );
* Delete ES post when WP post is deleted
* @param int $post_id Post id.
* @since 0.1.0
public function action_delete_post( $post_id ) {
if ( $this->kill_sync() ) {
* Filter whether to skip the permissions check on deleting a post
* @hook ep_sync_delete_permissions_bypass
* @param {bool} $bypass True to bypass
* @param {int} $post_id ID of post
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ) && ! apply_filters( 'ep_sync_delete_permissions_bypass', false, $post_id ) ) {
$indexable = Indexables::factory()->get( $this->indexable_slug );
$post_type = get_post_type( $post_id );
$indexable_post_types = $indexable->get_indexable_post_types();
if ( ! in_array( $post_type, $indexable_post_types, true ) ) {
// If not an indexable post type, skip delete.
Indexables::factory()->get( $this->indexable_slug )->delete( $post_id, false );
* Make sure to remove this post from the sync queue in case an shutdown happens
* before a redirect when a redirect has already been triggered.
$this->remove_from_queue( $post_id );
* Sync ES index with what happened to the post being saved
* @param int $post_id Post id.
* @since 0.1.0
public function action_sync_on_update( $post_id ) {
if ( $this->kill_sync() ) {
$indexable = Indexables::factory()->get( $this->indexable_slug );
$post_type = get_post_type( $post_id );
* Filter to whether skip a sync during autosave, defaults to true
* @hook ep_skip_autosave_sync
* @since 4.3.0
* @param {bool} $skip True means to disable sync for autosaves
* @param {string} $function Function applying filter
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_skip_autosave_sync', true, __FUNCTION__ ) ) {
if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) {
// Bypass saving if doing autosave
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* Filter whether to skip the permissions check on updating a post
* @hook ep_sync_insert_permissions_bypass
* @param {bool} $bypass True to bypass
* @param {int} $post_id ID of post
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ) && ! apply_filters( 'ep_sync_insert_permissions_bypass', false, $post_id ) ) {
$post = get_post( $post_id );
$indexable_post_statuses = $indexable->get_indexable_post_status();
// Our post was published, but is no longer, so let's remove it from the Elasticsearch index.
if ( ! in_array( $post->post_status, $indexable_post_statuses, true ) ) {
$this->action_delete_post( $post_id );
} else {
$indexable_post_types = $indexable->get_indexable_post_types();
if ( in_array( $post_type, $indexable_post_types, true ) ) {
* Fire before post is queued for syncing
* @hook ep_sync_on_transition
* @param {int} $post_id ID of post
do_action( 'ep_sync_on_transition', $post_id );
* Filter to kill post sync
* @hook ep_post_sync_kill
* @param {bool} $skip True means kill sync for post
* @param {int} $object_id ID of post
* @param {int} $object_id ID of post
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_post_sync_kill', false, $post_id, $post_id ) ) {
$this->add_to_queue( $post_id );
* Depending on the number of posts associated with the term display an admin notice
* @since 4.4.0
* @param array $notices Current ElasticPress admin notices
* @return array
public function maybe_display_notice_edit_single_term( $notices ) {
global $pagenow, $tag;
* Make sure we're on a term-related page in the admin dashboard.
if ( ! is_admin() || 'term.php' !== $pagenow || ! $tag instanceof \WP_Term ) {
return $notices;
if ( IndexHelper::factory()->get_index_default_per_page() >= $tag->count ) {
$child_tags = get_term_children( $tag->term_id, $tag->taxonomy );
if ( empty( $child_tags ) ) {
return $notices;
foreach ( $child_tags as $child_tag_id ) {
$child_tag = get_term( $child_tag_id );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $child_tag ) && IndexHelper::factory()->get_index_default_per_page() < $child_tag->count && ! isset( $notices['edited_single_parent_term'] ) ) {
$notices['edited_single_parent_term'] = [
'html' => sprintf(
/* translators: Sync Page URL */
__( 'Due to the number of posts associated with its child terms, you will need to <a href="%s">resync</a> after editing or deleting it.', 'elasticpress' ),
'type' => 'warning',
'dismiss' => true,
return $notices;
$notices['edited_single_term'] = [
'html' => sprintf(
/* translators: Sync Page URL */
__( 'Due to the number of posts associated with this term, you will need to <a href="%s">resync</a> after editing or deleting it.', 'elasticpress' ),
'type' => 'warning',
'dismiss' => true,
return $notices;
* Depending on the number of posts display an admin notice in the Dashboard Terms List Screen
* @since 4.4.0
* @param array $notices Current ElasticPress admin notices
* @return array
public function maybe_display_notice_term_list_screen( $notices ) {
global $pagenow, $tax;
* Make sure we're on a term-related page in the admin dashboard.
if ( ! is_admin() || 'edit-tags.php' !== $pagenow || ! $tax instanceof \WP_Taxonomy ) {
return $notices;
if ( ! $this->is_tax_max_count_bigger_than_items_per_cycle( $tax ) ) {
return $notices;
$notices['too_many_posts_on_term'] = [
'html' => sprintf(
/* translators: Sync Page URL */
__( 'Depending on the number of posts associated with a term, you may need to <a href="%s">resync</a> after editing or deleting it.', 'elasticpress' ),
'type' => 'warning',
'dismiss' => true,
return $notices;
* When a post's terms are changed, re-index.
* This catches term deletions via wp_delete_term(), because that function internally loops over all attached objects
* and updates their terms. It will also end up firing whenever set_object_terms is called, but the queue will de-duplicate
* multiple instances per post. This won't happen for taxonomies that has a default term (like Uncategorized for categories),
* hence why we also have `action_deleted_term_relationships`.
* @see set_object_terms
* @param int $post_id Post ID.
* @param array $terms An array of object terms.
* @param array $tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy slug.
* @param bool $append Whether to append new terms to the old terms.
* @param array $old_tt_ids Old array of term taxonomy IDs.
* @since 4.0.0
public function action_set_object_terms( $post_id, $terms, $tt_ids, $taxonomy, $append, $old_tt_ids ) {
if ( $this->kill_sync() ) {
* Filter to whether skip a sync during autosave, defaults to true
* @hook ep_skip_autosave_sync
* @since 4.3.0
* @param {bool} $skip True means to disable sync for autosaves
* @param {string} $function Function applying filter
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_skip_autosave_sync', true, __FUNCTION__ ) ) {
if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) {
// Bypass saving if doing autosave
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* Filter to allow skipping this action in case of custom handling
* @hook ep_skip_action_set_object_terms
* @param {bool} $skip True means kill sync for post
* @param {int} $post_id ID of post
* @param {array} $terms An array of object terms.
* @param {array} $tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs.
* @param {string} $taxonomy Taxonomy slug.
* @param {bool} $append Whether to append new terms to the old terms.
* @param {array} $old_tt_ids Old array of term taxonomy IDs.
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_skip_action_set_object_terms', false, $post_id, $terms, $tt_ids, $taxonomy, $append, $old_tt_ids ) ) {
if ( ! $this->should_reindex_post( $post_id, $taxonomy ) ) {
* Fire before post is queued for syncing
* @since 4.0.0
* @hook ep_sync_on_set_object_terms
* @param {int} $post_id ID of post
* @param {array} $terms An array of object terms.
* @param {array} $tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs.
* @param {string} $taxonomy Taxonomy slug.
* @param {bool} $append Whether to append new terms to the old terms.
* @param {array} $old_tt_ids Old array of term taxonomy IDs.
do_action( 'ep_sync_on_set_object_terms', $post_id, $terms, $tt_ids, $taxonomy, $append, $old_tt_ids );
$this->add_to_queue( $post_id );
* When a term is updated, re-index all posts attached to that term
* @param int $term_id Term id.
* @param int $tt_id Term Taxonomy id.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
* @since 4.0.0
public function action_edited_term( $term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy ) {
global $wpdb;
if ( $this->kill_sync() ) {
* Filter to whether skip a sync during autosave, defaults to true
* @hook ep_skip_autosave_sync
* @since 4.3.0
* @param {bool} $skip True means to disable sync for autosaves
* @param {string} $function Function applying filter
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_skip_autosave_sync', true, __FUNCTION__ ) ) {
if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) {
// Bypass saving if doing autosave
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
// Find ID of all attached posts (query lifted from wp_delete_term())
$object_ids = (array) $wpdb->get_col( // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery
$wpdb->prepare( "SELECT object_id FROM {$wpdb->term_relationships} WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d", $tt_id )
// If the current term is not attached, check if the child terms are attached to the post
if ( empty( $object_ids ) ) {
$child_terms = get_term_children( $term_id, $taxonomy );
if ( ! empty( $child_terms ) ) {
$in_id = join( ',', array_fill( 0, count( $child_terms ), '%d' ) );
$object_ids = (array) $wpdb->get_col( // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery
"SELECT object_id FROM {$wpdb->term_relationships} WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN ( {$in_id} )", // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared, WordPress.DB.PreparedSQLPlaceholders.UnfinishedPrepare
if ( ! count( $object_ids ) ) {
// If we have more items to update than the number set as Content Items per Index Cycle, skip it.
$should_skip = count( $object_ids ) > IndexHelper::factory()->get_index_default_per_page();
* Filter to allow skipping this action in case of custom handling
* @hook ep_skip_action_edited_term
* @param {bool} $skip Current value of whether to skip running action_edited_term or not
* @param {int} $term_id Term id.
* @param {int} $tt_id Term Taxonomy id.
* @param {string} $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
* @param {array} $object_ids IDs of the objects attached to the term id.
* @return {bool} New value of whether to skip running action_edited_term or not
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_skip_action_edited_term', $should_skip, $term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy, $object_ids ) ) {
// Add all of them to the queue
foreach ( $object_ids as $post_id ) {
if ( ! $this->should_reindex_post( $post_id, $taxonomy ) ) {
* Fire before post is queued for syncing
* @hook ep_sync_on_edited_term
* @param {int} $post_id ID of post
* @param {int} $term_id ID of the term that was edited
* @param {int} $tt_id Taxonomy Term ID of the term that was edited
* @param {int} $taxonomy Taxonomy of the term that was edited
do_action( 'ep_sync_on_edited_term', $post_id, $term_id, $tt_id, $taxonomy );
$this->add_to_queue( $post_id );
* When a term relationship is deleted, re-index all posts attached to that term
* @param int $post_id Post ID.
* @param array $tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy slug.
* @since 4.0.0
public function action_deleted_term_relationships( $post_id, $tt_ids, $taxonomy ) {
if ( $this->kill_sync() ) {
* Filter to whether skip a sync during autosave, defaults to true
* @hook ep_skip_autosave_sync
* @since 4.3.0
* @param {bool} $skip True means to disable sync for autosaves
* @param {string} $function Function applying filter
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_skip_autosave_sync', true, __FUNCTION__ ) ) {
if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) {
// Bypass saving if doing autosave
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* Filter to allow skipping this action in case of custom handling
* @hook ep_skip_action_deleted_term_relationships
* @param {bool} $skip Current value of whether to skip running action_edited_term or not
* @param {int} $post_id Post ID.
* @param {array} $tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs.
* @param {string} $taxonomy Taxonomy slug.
* @return {bool} New value of whether to skip running action_deleted_term_relationships or not
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_skip_action_deleted_term_relationships', false, $post_id, $tt_ids, $taxonomy ) ) {
if ( ! $this->should_reindex_post( $post_id, $taxonomy ) ) {
* Fire before post is queued for syncing
* @hook ep_sync_on_deleted_term_relationships
* @since 4.0.0
* @param {int} $post_id ID of post
* @param {array} $tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs.
* @param {string} $taxonomy Taxonomy of the term that was edited
do_action( 'ep_sync_on_deleted_term_relationships', $post_id, $tt_ids, $taxonomy );
$this->add_to_queue( $post_id );
* Create mapping and network alias when a new blog is created.
* @param WP_Site $blog New site object.
public function action_create_blog_index( $blog ) {
if ( ! defined( 'EP_IS_NETWORK' ) || ! EP_IS_NETWORK ) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
if ( $this->kill_sync() ) {
$non_global_indexable_objects = Indexables::factory()->get_all( false );
switch_to_blog( $blog->blog_id );
foreach ( $non_global_indexable_objects as $indexable ) {
$index_name = $indexable->get_index_name( $blog->blog_id );
$indexable->create_network_alias( [ $index_name ] );
* DEPRECATED. Clear the cache of the total fields limit
* @since 4.4.0
public function clear_total_fields_limit_cache() {
_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '4.7.0', '\ElasticPress\Indexable\Post\SyncManager::clear_index_settings_cache()' );
* Clear the cache of the total fields limit
* @param int $post_id The post ID
* @since 4.4.0
public function clear_meta_keys_db_per_post_type_cache_by_post_id( $post_id ) {
$post_type = get_post_type( $post_id );
if ( $post_type ) {
$this->clear_meta_keys_db_cache( $post_type );
* Clear the cache of the total fields limit
* @param int|array $meta_id Meta ID
* @param int $post_id The post ID
* @since 4.4.0
public function clear_meta_keys_db_per_post_type_cache_by_meta( $meta_id, $post_id ) {
$post_type = get_post_type( $post_id );
if ( $post_type ) {
$this->clear_meta_keys_db_cache( $post_type );
* Clear the cache of the total fields limit
* @param string $post_type The post type
* @since 4.4.0
protected function clear_meta_keys_db_cache( $post_type ) {
delete_transient( 'ep_meta_field_keys' );
delete_transient( 'ep_meta_field_keys_' . $post_type );
* Check if post attributes (post status, taxonomy, and type) match what is needed to reindex or not.
* @param int $post_id The post ID.
* @param string $taxonomy The taxonomy slug.
* @return boolean
protected function should_reindex_post( $post_id, $taxonomy ) {
* Filter to kill post sync
* @hook ep_post_sync_kill
* @param {bool} $skip True meanas kill sync for post
* @param {int} $object_id ID of post
* @param {int} $object_id ID of post
* @return {boolean} New value
if ( apply_filters( 'ep_post_sync_kill', false, $post_id, $post_id ) ) {
return false;
$post = get_post( $post_id );
if ( ! is_object( $post ) ) {
return false;
$indexable = Indexables::factory()->get( $this->indexable_slug );
// Check post status
$indexable_post_statuses = $indexable->get_indexable_post_status();
if ( ! in_array( $post->post_status, $indexable_post_statuses, true ) ) {
return false;
// Only re-index if the taxonomy is indexed for this post
$indexable_taxonomies = $indexable->get_indexable_post_taxonomies( $post );
$indexable_taxonomy_names = wp_list_pluck( $indexable_taxonomies, 'name' );
if ( ! in_array( $taxonomy, $indexable_taxonomy_names, true ) ) {
return false;
// Check post type
$indexable_post_types = $indexable->get_indexable_post_types();
if ( ! in_array( $post->post_type, $indexable_post_types, true ) ) {
return false;
// If we have more items to update than the number set as Content Items per Index Cycle, skip it to avoid a timeout.
$single_ids_queued = array_unique( array_keys( $this->get_sync_queue() ) );
$has_too_many_queued = count( $single_ids_queued ) > IndexHelper::factory()->get_index_default_per_page();
return ! $has_too_many_queued;
* Given a taxonomy, check if the term with most posts is under or above the number set as Content Items per Index Cycle.
* The result will be cached in a transient. Its TTL will depend on the result:
* If it is determined we have a term with more posts, cache it for more time.
* @since 4.4.0
* @param \WP_Taxonomy $tax The taxonomy object
* @return boolean
protected function is_tax_max_count_bigger_than_items_per_cycle( \WP_Taxonomy $tax ): bool {
$transient_name = "ep_term_max_count_{$tax->name}";
$cached_max_count = get_transient( $transient_name );
if ( is_integer( $cached_max_count ) ) {
return $cached_max_count > IndexHelper::factory()->get_index_default_per_page();
$max_count = get_terms(
'taxonomy' => $tax->name,
'orderby' => 'count',
'order' => 'DESC',
'number' => 1,
'count' => true,
if ( ! is_array( $max_count ) || ! count( $max_count ) || ! $max_count[0] instanceof \WP_Term || ! is_integer( $max_count[0]->count ) ) {
set_transient( $transient_name, 0, HOUR_IN_SECONDS );
return false;
$is_max_count_bigger = $max_count[0]->count > IndexHelper::factory()->get_index_default_per_page();
$is_max_count_bigger ? DAY_IN_SECONDS : HOUR_IN_SECONDS
return $is_max_count_bigger;
* Prevent a password protected post from being indexed.
* @since 4.6.0
* @param bool $skip Whether should skip or not before checking for a password
* @param int $object_id The Post ID
* @return bool New value of $skip
public function kill_sync_for_password_protected( $skip, $object_id ) {
* Short-circuits the process of checking if a post should be indexed or not depending on its password.
* Returning a non-null value will effectively short-circuit the function.
* @since 4.6.0
* @hook ep_pre_kill_sync_for_password_protected
* @param {null} $new_skip Whether should skip or not before checking for a password
* @param {bool} $current_skip Current value
* @param {int} $object_id The Post ID
* @return {null|bool} New value of $skip or `null` to keep default behavior.
$skip_filter = apply_filters( 'ep_pre_kill_sync_for_password_protected', null, $skip, $object_id );
if ( ! is_null( $skip_filter ) ) {
return $skip_filter;
if ( $skip ) {
return $skip;
$post = get_post( $object_id );
return ! empty( $post->post_password );
* Sync ES index when attached or detached action is called.
* @since 4.7.0
* @param string $action Attach/detach action
* @param int $attachment_id The attachment ID
public function action_sync_on_media_attach( $action, $attachment_id ) {
$indexable = Indexables::factory()->get( $this->indexable_slug );
$indexable_post_types = $indexable->get_indexable_post_types();
if ( ! in_array( 'attachment', $indexable_post_types, true ) ) {
$this->action_sync_on_update( $attachment_id );