Action: ep_after_send_dynamic_bulk_request

do_action( 'ep_after_send_dynamic_bulk_request', $result, $body, $documents, $min_buffer_size, $max_buffer_size, $current_buffer_size, $request_time )

Perform actions before a new batch of documents is processed.

Name Type Description
$result WP_Error | array

Result of the request.

$body array

Array of documents sent to Elasticsearch.

$documents array

Array of documents to be sent to Elasticsearch.

$min_buffer_size int

Min buffer size for dynamic bulk index (in bytes.)

$max_buffer_size int

Max buffer size for dynamic bulk index (in bytes.)

$current_buffer_size int

Current buffer size for dynamic bulk index (in bytes.)

$request_time int

Total time of the request.

  • 4.0.0